The positive impact of affirmations and how they can change your life


Did you know that your thoughts can manifest themselves into reality? For example, if you’re constantly telling yourself you can’t do something, you will genuinely believe you can’t. But this can work for positives as well.  


Affirmations are the practice of saying or writing down kind things about ourselves to trick our brains into believing them to be true. It’s important to retrain our thinking and speak into positive patterns if we want to live a more joyous life!  


You’ve most likely already spoken an affirmation today without realising - every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. But you have control over how they impact you and your mental health… 


Examples of some affirmations to try:  

  • I am worthy 
  • I respect myself and love myself  
  • I am talented 
  • I am kind 
  • I am surrounded by peace 
  • I am a work in progress 


But the affirmations you use depend on your personal goals.  


Is there science behind it? 


Affirmations essentially rewire the brain by influencing our neural pathways. A 2016 study by Cascio et al. found MRI evidence that certain neural pathways increase when people practice self-affirmation.  


It’s not magic, but it’s certainly real. For example, repeating an affirmation about a certain area in your life tells your brain that it’s a priority and you’re more likely to take action in making it come true!  


A good example of this is telling yourself you’re confident before a job interview even if you’re nervous. Go in with the belief that you can get through without messing up and watch the interview go swimmingly! 


Ways to practice affirmations 


Keep a wellness journal 

Journalling is an underrated activity yet so many people swear by it. You don’t have to necessarily use it before bed, but if you want to treat it as a sleep journal, you can write in it at the end of the day to remind you exactly who you are.  


Wellness journal tips: 

  • Start every affirmation with the words ‘I am' 
  • Write in the present tense. Let yourself believe you already think these things about yourself 
  • Write about things you want to change. For example, if you’re not a confident person, write ‘I AM confident 
  • Be realistic. Writing ‘I am a billionaire’ isn’t going to make you rich tomorrow 


Our End of Day Wellness Journal is a semi-guided notebook that shows you the benefits of some powerful psychological mindfulness exercises including gratitude, affirmations and reflections with prompts to consider throughout. Following the psychological principles in the journal can help elevate your mood immediately which is paramount to allowing your body to get a more restful sleep!  


Affirm to yourself in the mirror 


Simply stand in front of a mirror and say your affirmations to yourself every day. Unlike journaling, this will be more beneficial to do in the morning as an act of self-care. 


Think about them 


If you’re in a situation where you can’t write them down or say them out loud, think about them in your head. Try to connect the feeling to the words while you do so!  


Fall into this good habit and watch your life get significantly better. It’s amazing what we can do by just shifting our mindsets in a more positive direction!